Dr. Watt and Dr. McCarthy are both graduates of the National College of Chiropractic and have been practicing chiropractic and acupuncture in the Homer Glen area for over 20 years. Please feel free to contact them with any questions that you may have, concerning how chiropractic or acupuncture may be of help to you or your family.
Dr. Vicki Watt
Chiropractic Physician (National College of Chiropractic Graduate 2000)
Certified Acupuncturist
Available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Home visits available Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday.
Dr. Richard McCarthy
Chiropractic Physician (National College of Chiropractic Graduate 1999)
Certified Acupuncturist
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
USA Track & Field Level II Certified Coach
Available Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday